Joystixx’ Have Exceded their Bandwidth this time, Players >> Get Ready to Rumble with Joystixx Very Own Power Pack of Party Pals… The Booster Companions of Prismatronic Power-Ups, Amorous Artillery Acquaintances,   As we move into a new void wonder mellenium, we must move with the times and attach a brave new breed of brain beaters and benders… Its those  ultra-class hipster attachments, the Joystixx holsters >> Playboys / Playgirls, INTRODUCING JOYSTIXX ONE & ONLY Teamster Spirit Enhancers / BANDWIDTH EXCEEDERS, Its those freakster drop-outs from The Class of 2099 ! Stillbourne Heights we present to you >> THE RUMBLE PACK.

 Fighting the freaky forces of injustice can be hard-work > Sometimes a hand is required to aid our favourite duo, Joystixx in their plight against the tightening Grip of Control, sinister forces of sedation… 

with the expansion of their unit…
 of their very own Own Booster Power-Pack Party Pals…



VIDEO VICIOUS 3.0 (TV Talkin’ Spit Personality of Joystixx’ Freak Beat Master, Player Zero, Manek Deboto)

64 Bit Social Tard. Walking Rebel Talk Back Show.

Speech Pattern: Talks in TV Mode.

Wig Outs: Serious Glitch malfunctions – 99% chance that he’ll refund on the Total Obliteration of the Species. That’s why we love him.

the Tribe of Kamikaze Bloodlust are avid followers of his.

Video Flesh Inhibitors Prevent Vid From Being Taped Over by Video Nasties – Or Your Money Back !

Sayings: “Get A Clone and Go FUCK YOURSELF!!!”
Favourite insults: Doosh ! Fuxxor-Bat ! Abattoir Squeeze. Bitch-Pup, Rerun What? U Talkin’ jive, space nigga – You turkey brain, u is of Complicated Algorithmic design. Anal Egg Sandwich Fart. Modemonic Bish, Bleepazoid Footer Note, Blast my balls, u stereo-typical cumfarsh, Stereo Eyebrow mudder-plucker, reptilian shape-shifter of superhuman Dianatic response, U r most Tom Cruise UFO, Poofter Closet, J-Wanker. Moonwalking Titty slapper.

Get this hipsters, Vid was suddenly upgraded to version 3.0 when he mashed psychosis-mensa boob‘tude with the mod-mandrill, Manek Deboto.

Secret Origin:

Possessed by a totally bogus video virus known as a Rad-Demon, forgotten celebrity and friendly neighbourhood freak, Manek Deboto, is tranzmutated into the annoying off the wall, on-air, amplified human talk show, split-persona known as Vid Vicious 2.0. 

Using an array of digital punk rock artillery, a dodgy b-grade mask (that supposedly holds insight into a parallel reality that only Vid can see), a magic Sippy cup said to be the one and only holy grail of the Carpenters, and with the aid of self-improvised powered up sound bytes from his ghetto blaster called the Shield of Silence, Vid self-destructs a twisted umbilical pathway into the parallel twin sister of Earth known as Tranzsister Oblivion in order to return himself to the shelf-life-state of non-existence in the negative-space-paralletic-compression of his soul-data decaying storage bank located at the local video store from which he was ejected. 

In the meantime, Vid takes the odd break from his life mission for an even odder pleasure to meddle in the life of his sub-humanoid host, inhibiting any chance that Manek may have in keeping any semblance of a normal post grunge teenage life,

Vid often getting in between the romantic relationship with his dream girl, Twin-Consol Counterpart, Nuke Puke ‘Em. Not to mention, he’s running up a mammoth over-due fee everyday he’s out and about.

Wouldn’t you know it, Vid’s life is about to be taped over and like some kind of mutant-magnet, he’s gonna erase all those around him if he doesn’t fast forward himself no place home soon. Beta tap those Reebock pumps together soon and say there’s no place like home in the drone, because Vid’s imminent demise is way over due, dudes. Let’s hope Manek can hold the pause button on his life just long enough for Vid to pass through like the wind from a bad smelling TV meal.

Oh but wait, get this, reader-dude - the longer Vid inhabits the prism of his newly furnished human cage, the more Manek deforms into a disharmonic holographic deterioration of his former self, slowly becoming a brewing vegetative mental case commonly known in Vid’s World as a Barhumbug Time Machine Ejaculate or I think the scientific term is a radically deformed ecto-plaster of creepy, glowing sub-hormonal cyborg waste.  But, y’know, whatever to that.

So, like, Manek is forced to take part in Vid’s childish mind-games until he can rid himself of this most non-non-heinous incubuttus head possessor.

Hoping to become an overnight sensation, and respark Manek’s forgotten celebrity status,

 Prepare thyself for the joust of a lifetime with the funtime antics of the Joystixx Djs for Hire   team of bogus dudes.

only hope is what we can for them, I guess for all is well that ends well in y’know like the magic wish you well and all that kinda stuff in thing.

s he won’t find out what that is.

Let’s hope his hometown video store has a late night return slot. This directionless twit might take a while to get back home.

whilst he seriouand is seriously getting in the way of 

VIVIENNE O’BLIVION IS NOT - The UNKNOWN CELEBRITY (Static-Buzzin’ Stand-Up Ghost Comedian > Fame Forgotten Host From Hologram House / The Ecto-Plasmic Blog-Spitting Voice A-Voider, You beta listen 2 this MC Inside Your Mind.  )

The Mysterious Master of Ceremonies,  Hologram Host to End All Hologram House Parties. Now UC him now you don’t, UC is Joystixx’ Voice inside your head, represents the freedom of fame and fortune > leading a non-life of excess – boldy going bonkers bravely onwards into the party of mouth of space madness >> MC for the Mutant Generation… a faceless A-Class voider of ventriloquism,  ILLEGAL LEISURE.

Illegally Transmitted, Pirate TV show broadcaster direct from the Sigue Sick Satellite Basement of your mind, all the way from the dark side of the net, Rising Up from the UNDERNET. Taking all your under-the-net enquires.

Celebrity Cinema’s circuitry circus Puppet Master > turned underground voice of the mutant generation.

Unidentified High Flying Saucer of Farce Flowing Hologram shizma - Host. The Game Master. Radio Announcer. Nobody knows who this famous anti-celebrity dweeb is or how he rose to the heights of fame without anybody knowing. But he’s hear and he’s pulling the rip-cord of your spine and parachuting to a party inside you!


Lover of Beat-Em Up Beats – from the Bad Boy Baby Sitters Club, Teenage Cyberpunk Cowboyz from Crows Nest– Edited out of the head of spewy chunx – Sniff This Editor – and aided by his crackpot team of idiots… BUTTCRACK FREE STICKER. Comic-Book Club.

CENSOR-TITS (BANNED MEMBER FROM CHANNEL X – So Bad, He’s Been Banned from the Internet. Evil Orgasm. )


HOLOGRAM HOOKER (She’ll Get u Hooked by the Hour in Her Late Night Return Slut > Become a Slave to her Pussy Programming / 8-Bit Holographic Hooker > Hold the Line Operator)




Cut from the Deleted Scene, Obsolete Director turned Video-Punk was ripped from the shadow-static of the rewound remains of a Video Vicious. This helpful static puppet provides helpful hints and tips for your safe-journey thru the perilous pitfalls and power-hungry platforms of DREAMEGA’S ARCADE.

Dr Rip-Off

Fuck Off_Line, Party Drill Sargent will get u off, and get u in-line on the outside Danger Zone…  On the Line.



ACCESS DENIED: Trans-dimensional Nightclub > The Mobile Home of Joystixx.

 “It’s the Young Ones Meets the Muppet Show On Reality TV.”
-- Sniff This !